Friday, July 6, 2007

Why Assisted Suicide should be allowed for some patients

Imagine yourself lying in a hospital bed. You fell a rush of mashed up food coming into your throat by a tube which you can’t see. In fact you can’t see anything nor move. The only two ways that you know that you’re alive is the horrible food coming through a slit in your throat and the fact you constantly bear intolerable pain. Victims of Terminal illnesses horrible accidents of war or everyday life have to live like this. Some may be worst or some may be better. But the fact is they wish for death. Yes I may sound a tad bit morbid but it’s the straight truth. Would you like it if you where their position? Would you want a way to end it? By legalizing Assisted Suicide these people can really rest in peace.
Some of the first reasons of people that are against Assisted Suicide say it is Unethical and Inhumane . During Ancient Rome and Greek time, they started to begin this procedure because they did not see life needed to be preserved and “ended anyone’s misery” if they saw they where tolerate of suicide. Now days, Assisted Suicide may seem
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that way but it really is not. First off the decision of the alternative would be made my the victim (If the victim can acknowledge the choice and can show evidence that he or she wants it done) or the close and immediate family members of the patient. Assisted Suicide would only be an option to people that met these conditions: 1)The patient has to be suffering from a terminal illness. 2) The patient will not benefit form a cure or a cure is not obtainable in a reasonable amount of time. 3) The Patient has to suffer from an illness that causes intolerable pain. 4)Unable to commit suicide with out an help of another. Assisted Suicide will not be offered to people who are depressed and feel that their lives are horrible. Before the doctor gives the medicine that causes death, The patient will have to go through a “cooling off period” in which the doctors observe the patient for a certain amount of time to see if the patient’s condition gets better or worst.
After all these conditions are met. Then the doctor will have the “go signal” to give the patient the death inducing medicine.
Another Reason people say that Assisted Suicide should not be allowed is because it would harm the United States’ Heath Care System. In some cases, Assisted Suicide can actually benefit it. First off their will not be any involuntary euthanasia in which doctors will automatically kill the patient if they think that the patient has no chance to live. The patient or immediate family will notify the doctor if they want to actually want to go through with the procedure. One of the ways that Assisted Suicides will benefit the nations heath care system is that it can save the HMO system money because they wont have a lot of patients hooked up to expensive machines that waste more money everyday due to inflation when doctors (under certain conditions ) can just
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pull the plug. One reason my it wont affect our health system is that it is the doctor’s and physician’s job to make the patient feel better. If making their misery go away by ending their life causes the them to feel better physically, then it’s the doctors job to help them.
One Reason why we should legalize Assisted Suicides is because most of the world looks up on them. Right now Canada is fighting the Government to change the laws on Assisted Suicide to their favor. In England, Anti-Assisted Suicide laws are being vetoed left and right due to the popularity of it. In the Netherlands, the number of assisted suicide requests per year is around 9700 and 2.6% of deaths are Euthanasia related and 57% of all doctors in the Netherlands have performed assisted suicides.
With today’s technology , lives are being extended with machines and other technology. Even though these people live longer, they are filled with pain and agony.
With Assisted Suicides and Euthanasia, these people can find relief and rest in peace.
It is Ethical, benefit’s the Heath Care System, and most of the world already legalized it.
That is why we should be able to end our lives of we were in that situation.

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